Volunteer Resources


Local Volunteer Involved Organisations:

Here is a list of volunteer involved organisations, including Centrelink approved and other volunteer recourses


Workplace Health & Safety:

Workplace Health & Safety for Volunteers; The Essential Guide (Safe Work Australia)

WH&S for Volunteers

Volunteer Rights, Volunteer Checklist and Mutual Obligations:

Volunteers Rights and Volunteer Checklist (Volunteer Australia)


Revised-VA-factsheet-Mutual-Obligations-28-September-2020.pdf (volunteeringaustralia.org)

How does CHSN assist the community?

“Being a group auspiced by CHSN has enabled the Access Advisory Committee to focus on what we do best - highlighting and discussing access issues in our community and working collaboratively with others to find solutions.”

Roxanne MacGregor

Chairperson, Access Advisory Committee - Gympie Region