Volunteer Resources


Local Volunteer Involved Organisations:

Here is a list of volunteer involved organisations, including Centrelink approved and other volunteer recourses


Workplace Health & Safety:

Workplace Health & Safety for Volunteers; The Essential Guide (Safe Work Australia)

WH&S for Volunteers

Volunteer Rights, Volunteer Checklist and Mutual Obligations:

Volunteers Rights and Volunteer Checklist (Volunteer Australia)


Revised-VA-factsheet-Mutual-Obligations-28-September-2020.pdf (volunteeringaustralia.org)

How does CHSN assist the community?

"Cooloola Human Services Network is unique. It connects individuals, groups and organisations with common interests and purpose. It finds the linkages and common ground. It brings people together to clarify issues, solve problems and create solutions that really work in our commUNITY".  

Fiona Neagle

CHSN President 2014-2016